
intent 意图

My intention in creating this space is to share some of the poetry, prose, and ideas that I've been reading (and writing) recently. Between Chinese and English (and sometimes Russian) I am attempting to bridge the ocean between readers and create a channel of conversation. Thus, I'm placing here my translations of poems and prose with the goal of accessibility for all. Although I do hope to be able to formally publish some of this material in the future, for the time being these pieces should be considered works-in-progress. (The rights of the work still rest with the original authors.)It is also my specific intention to share some of the less often read work of writers outside the main current, such as China's ethnic minorities, Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians, and other writers from the 'periphery'. My own interests focus on how languages with global currency (English being the penultimate example) are torqued and re-formed to bring different (multiple) voices to light within texts. Therefore, in translation I hope to present and participate in this transmutive process.

我建立这个空间的意图是想和大家分享我最近着重在看(或在写)的诗歌、散文和观点。在中文和英文(或俄文)读者之间,我想架桥跨海,创造一个对话渠道。为此,我在这里放上我诗歌和写作的翻译稿。目前这个网站上所有的写作都只是草稿,尽管我也希望能有机会正式发表。(原作家仍拥有所有权。)我的意图也是为了分享一些不经常被阅读的、主流之外的作家的写作; 比如中国少数民族作家、美洲本土作家(印第安人)、澳大利亚土著作家、和其他的‘边缘’作家。我本人的关注点聚集在:全球通用的语言(如英文)如何在文本里被不同的(多元的)声音转矩和再形成。因此,我也希望我的翻译能展现并参与这种变动的过程。
