
Русский урок Russian Homework

Я люблю переводить поэзию.
Poetry translates I
Ты любишь поэзию?
you too?
Я? Нет, я ненавижу поэзию всего мира.
me? i hate mirrored words
Правда? Почему ты не любишь читать поэзии?
What-why no linking chain to poe-try
Потому что мне нравится водка.
answer is vodka
Ах, коннечно! Я пью водку очень плохо.
Ahh cannon! I implode on vodkoo
Я знаю. Твоя поэзия дешевле, чем твоя водка.
exactly, poetry cheapens true vodka
дий дайтон

Tree Stumps 树桩

In order to beautify the environment, the university fabricated a bunch of what looks like sawed-off tree stumps out of cement. Both big and smalls trees were copied — they’re quite real looking — and then they used these cement stumps as fences, benches, etc. It gives people the impression that there was once a forest here, but now it has all been cut down leaving the stumps all over the place. This is what’s called teaching through the environment. These tree stumps lead me to believe that a constituency of lumberjacks runs this university.

July, 1999

Yu Jian 于坚
from Brown-cover Notebook - Loose-leaf Binder


It's Cold as Lemons 柠檬似的寒冷

The weather
like a lemon
is souring my fruitless journey
through the icy
